プライバシーポリシー | CHEQ





最終改定日: 2022年7月26日

Last revised on July 26, 2022


Important Notice: The English version of this document governs the contractual relationship between you and us. The Japanese version of this document is provided solely for your convenience and does not affect the contractual relationship defined in this English version of this document.

CHEQ AI Technologies Ltd. (以下「当社」といいます)は、当社のサービスの利用利用者(以下「お客様」または「利用者」といいます)の個人情報の取扱いについて、以下のとおりプライバシーポリシー(個人情報保護方針)を定め、当社のウエブサイトまたは当社が提供する他のオンラインサービス(総称して「サービス」)にアクセス、訪問、使用または関わり合う利用者のプライバシーを保護することを約束いたします。

CHEQ AI Technologies Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “us“, “we” or “Company“) has established the following privacy policy regarding the handling of personal information of users of the Company’s services (hereinafter referred to as “you” or “Users“), and is committed to protect the privacy of Users who access, visit, use or engage with our website(s) or any other online services we provide (collectively: the “Services“).


This Privacy Policy outlines our practices for collecting, using, and disclosing information about you in connection with your use of the Service. The Company complies with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (as amended in The Amendment Act, 2020) (“APPI”) and other applicable laws, regulations, and guidelines.


This Privacy Policy is part of the Terms and Conditions and is incorporated therein by reference. By using the Services, you agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy and your continued use of the Services constitutes your ongoing agreement to the Privacy Policy. If you do not agree to this Privacy Policy, please do not use our website or Services.


Collection and Storage of Your Personal Information


We may collect and use the following types of information about you:


Non-personal Information


Non-personal Information is non-identifiable information that, when taken alone, cannot be used to identify you. As such, we are not aware of the identity from which the Non-personal Information is collected.


We may anonymize or de-identify information collected through the Service so that the individual User cannot be identified by such information alone. In addition, for the purpose of improving the functionality of the Service, we collect aggregated User information, as well as technical information, including some software and hardware information about your device (e.g., the device you are using, the type of browser and operating system used on the device, language settings, etc.) that is transferred from your device. We also collect information about your behaviour on the Service, including technical information. In addition, we may also collect information about your behaviour on the Service (e.g., clicks, actions, etc.). We may share or provide statistical information about our Users with outside parties or other companies. However, such information will not be used to identify individual Users, and will only be shared in an aggregated, non-personally identifiable form.


Personal Information


Personal information is information about a living person that identifies or may, with reasonable effort, identify a specific individual. It may also include information that can identify an individual only by combination with other information (“Pseudonymized Processed Information“).


We gather the following types of Personal Information for Users of our website:

  • 自発的情報:当社は、お客様が自発的に提供する情報を収集する場合があります。例えば、たとえば、アカウントを設定したり、当社からの連絡に応答したり、電子メールで連絡したり、本サービスの使用を通じてお客様自身に関する追加情報を共有したりする際です。利用者との関係維持・管理、当社サービスを設定・提供、マーケティング活動等を企画、主催、告知、財務上の要件を確認し、サービス利用代金を徴収、また、技術問題の究明やサービスの品質向上のために提供された情報です。当社は、お客様が当社に伝えるお問合せ、ご意見、苦情、および報告も収集する場合があります。当社が、他の利用者から当社に伝えられたお客様に関する苦情(これにはお客様の個人情報が含まれる可能性があります)も収集する場合があることにご留意ください。
  • Voluntary Information: We may collect information that you voluntarily provide to us. For example, when you set up your account, respond to communications from us, communicate with us via email or share additional information about yourself through your use of the Services. We may also collect inquiries, comments, complaints, and reports that you communicate to us. Please note that we may also collect complaints about you that are communicated to us by other users, which may include your personal information.
  • デバイス情報:当社は、お客様のデバイスから個人情報を収集することがあります。かかる情報には、地理上の位置データ、IPアドレス、一意の識別子(例:MACアドレスおよびUUID)のほか、本サービスを通じたお客様の行動に関するその他の情報などがあります。
  • Device Information: We may collect Personal Information from your device. Such information may include geolocation data, IP address, unique identifiers (e.g., MAC address and UUID) as well as other information which relates to your activity through the Services.


We gather the following types of Personal Information for Users of our customers’ website:

  • デバイスデータ:お客様が顧客ウェブサイトにアクセスするために用いるパソコンまたは携帯デバイスに関する情報。これには、特定のソフトウェアおよびハードウェアの情報(例:サイトへのアクセスに使用されるブラウザ、デバイスのモデルりおよびオペレーティングシステム、言語設定、一意の機器識別子、およびお客様が顧客ウエブサイトにアクセスした際のインターネットプロトコル(IP)アドレス等)を含む、当該デバイスが送信する技術的情報が含まれます。
  • Device data: Information about the personal computer or mobile device you use to access the customer website. This may include technical information transmitted by the device, including certain software and hardware information such as the browser used to access the site, the device model and operating system, language preference, unique device identifiers, and the Internet Protocol (IP) address through which you accessed the customer website.
  • 利用者の行動:顧客ウェブサイト上における利用者の行動に関する情報(例:アクセス時間および頻度、参照元ページドメイン、閲覧したページ、ウェブサイトと利用者間のやりとり)。
  • User Activity: Information regarding a User’s activity on the customer website such as the time and frequency of access, the referrer page domain, pages viewed, and interactions between the website and the User.


For the avoidance of doubt, if we combine Personal Information with Non-personal Information, the combined information will be treated as Personal Information as long as it remains combined.


We do not collect any Personal Information that requires special care under the APPI, such as race, creed, social status, medical history, criminal record, or the fact a person has suffered damage by a crime, etc.


Cookies and other technologies

当社は、お客様が当社のウェブサイト訪問日時などの、利用者の本サービスを通じてへのアクセスおよび本サービスを通じた行動に関する特定の情報を収集、保管、および追跡するために、 Cookie およびウェブおよびモバイルの分析のその他の技術または方法(例:ピクセル、Google Analytics等)を使用することがあります。

We may use cookies and other technologies or methods of web and mobile analysis (e.g., Pixels, Google Analytics, etc.) to gather, store, and track certain information related with your access to and activity through the Services, including when you visit our website(s).

「 Cookie 」とは、お客様がウェブサイトを閲覧している間に、ウェブサイトがお客様のデバイスに割り当てる、文字列を含む小さなファイルを意味します。 Cookie はお客様の時間を省いたり、お客様が特定のページを再度閲覧していることをウェブサーバーに知らせたりするなど非常に有用で、様々な目的に使用できます。そうした目的には、お客様が効率よくページ間を移動できるようにすること、特定の機能を自動的に有効化できるようにすること、お客様の好みを記憶しておくこと、およびお客様と本サービスとの間のやり取りを迅速、簡単、円滑にすることが含まれますが、これらに限定されません。

A “cookie” is a small file containing a string of characters that a website assigns to your device while you are visiting a website. Cookies are very useful and can be used for a variety of purposes, such as saving you time and letting the web server know that you are revisiting a particular page. Such purposes include, but are not limited to, enabling you to navigate efficiently between pages, enabling certain features to be activated automatically, remembering your preferences, and making your interaction with the Service fast, easy, and smooth.

当社のウェブサイトでは、以下の種類の Cookie を使用することがあります:

Our website(s) may use the following types of cookies:

  • セッション Cookie :これは、システムを正常に利用するためにウェブサイト閲覧中、一時的に保管され、かつブラウザを閉じるとお客様のデバイスから削除されるものです。
  • Session Cookies which are stored only temporarily during a browsing session in order to allow normal use of the system and are deleted from your device when the browser is closed.
  • 広告Cookie:広告をお客様とお客様の関心により関連性のあるものにするために、お客様の閲覧習慣に関する情報を収集します。 詳細については、以下の「広告」セクションを参照してください。
  • Advertising Cookies – which collect information about your browsing habits in order to make advertising more relevant to you and your interests. For more information please refer to the “Advertisements” section below.

お客様は、デバイスの設定の指示に従いCookie を削除できますが、 Cookie を無効化すると、本サービスの一部の機能が正常に動作しなくなり、当社ウェブサイトを十分に活用できなくなる可能性がありますのでご注意ください。

You may delete the cookies by following the instructions in your device settings, but please note that if cookies are disabled, some functions of the Service may not operate properly and You may not be able to fully utilize our website.

また、当社は、お客様の本サービスの利用に関する情報を収集するため、Google Analyticsと呼ばれるツールを使用する場合があります。Google Analyticsが使用する Cookie は、訪問者数、訪問者が当社ウェブサイトに移動してきたリンク元のウェブサイト、及び訪問者が訪問した当社ウェブサイト内のページ等の情報を収集します。当社は、Google Analyticsから得た情報を使用して、当社ウェブサイトを改善します。Google Analyticsは、お客様の名前やその他の個人を特定できる情報を収集しないが、サイト訪問日にお客様に割り当てられたIPアドレスを収集します。当社は、Google Analyticsの利用を通じて収集した情報を、個人を識別できる情報と組み合わせることは行いません。Google Analytics利用規約およびGoogleプライバシーポリシー

We may also use a tool called Google Analytics to collect information about your use of the Services. Cookies used by Google Analytics collect information such as the number of visitors, the website from which they linked to our website, and the pages they visited on our website. We use the information from Google Analytics to improve our website; Google Analytics does not collect your name or other personally identifiable information, but rather the IP address assigned to you on the date of your visit. We do not combine information collected through our use of Google Analytics with personally identifiable information. Analytics Terms of Services and Google Privacy Policy.


How we use the information


We use and share Personal Information in the manners described in this Privacy Policy. In addition to the purposes listed above, the information we collect, which may include your Personal Information, is used for any of the following utilization purposes:

  • お客様のアカウントを設定し、当社の本サービスを提供するため(例えば、ウェブサイト、アプリ開発者、広告主、サードパーティの広告プラットフォームがさまざまなコンテンツの有効性をよりよく理解できるようにする分析を提供するため);
  • To set up your account and to provide our Services (e.g., to provide analytics which allow websites, app developers, advertisers and third-party ad platforms to better understand the effectiveness of their various content);
  • 本サービスの特定の機能へのお客様のアクセスを識別および認証するため;
  • To identify and authenticate your access to certain features of the Services;
  • お客様と連絡を取り(本サービスに関するお客様のフィードバックをお願いすることを含む)、当社の最新の更新情報(電子メール、チラシ、その他のダイレクトメールの送信を含む)をお客様に通知するため;
  • To communicate with you (including to request your feedback on the Service) and to keep you informed of our latest updates (including sending e-mails, flyers, and other direct mailings);
  • お客様のニーズと関心に合わせて本サービスの内容を改善しカスタマイズするために研究調査を行うか又は分析を実施するため;
  • To perform a research or to conduct analytics in order to improve and customize the Services to your needs and interests;
  • 本サービスをサポートし、不具合を復旧するため;
  • To support and troubleshoot the Services and to respond to your queries;
  • 本サービスのお客様の利用状況に関して紛争を調査して解決するため;
  • To investigate and resolve disputes in connection with your use of the Services
  • 詐欺的および違法な活動、または本サービスの完全性を危険にさらしたり悪影響を及ぼしたりする可能性のあるその他の種類の活動を検出して防止するため;および
  • To detect and prevent fraudulent and illegal activity or any other type of activity that may jeopardize or negatively affect the integrity of the Services; and
  • 違反を調査し、当社のポリシーを、を執行し、および法令、規制、その他の政府当局の要求に応じて執行し、または召喚状または同様の法的手続きを遵守するため、または政府の要求に対応するため。
  • To investigate violations and enforce our policies, and as required by law, regulation or other governmental authority, or to comply with a subpoena similar legal process or respond to a government request.


With whom we share the information and for what purpose


We do not rent, sell, or share your Personal Information with third-parties except as described in this Privacy Policy. In such cases, the Company will thoroughly examine the eligibility of the consignee, stipulate confidentiality obligations in the contract, and exercise necessary and appropriate supervision over the consignee.


We may share Personal Information with the following recipients: (i) our subsidiaries; (ii) affiliated companies; (iii) subcontractors and other third-party service providers; (iv) auditors or advisers of our business processes; and (v) any potential purchasers or investors in the company.


In addition to the purposes listed in this Privacy Policy, we may share Personal Information with our recipients for any of the following purposes: (i) storing or processing Personal Information on our behalf (e.g., cloud computing service providers); (ii) processing such information to assist us with our business operations; (iii) performing research, technical diagnostics, personalisation and analytics.


We may also disclose Personal Information, or any information you submitted via the Services if we have a good faith belief that disclosure of such information is helpful or reasonably necessary to: (i) comply with any applicable law, regulation, legal process or governmental request; (ii) enforce our policies, including investigations of potential violations thereof; (iii) investigate, detect, prevent, or take action regarding illegal activities or other wrongdoing, suspected fraud or security issues; (iv) to establish or exercise our rights to defend against legal claims; (v) prevent harm to the rights, property or safety of us, our affiliates, our Users, yourself or any third-party; (vi) for the purpose of collaborating with law enforcement agencies; and (vii) in case we find it necessary in order to enforce intellectual property or other legal rights.


Third-party collection of information


Our policy only addresses the use and disclosure of information we collect from you. To the extent that you disclose your information to other parties via the Services (e.g., by clicking on a link to any other website or location) or via other sites throughout the Internet, different rules may apply to their use or disclosure of the information you disclose to them.


You acknowledge that we are not responsible for the products, services, or descriptions of products or services that you receive from third-party sites or to the content or privacy practices of those sites, and that this Privacy Policy does not apply to any such third-party products and services. You are knowingly and voluntarily assuming all risks of using third-party sites to purchase products and services. You agree that we shall have no liability whatsoever with respect to such third-party sites and your usage of them.


International transfer


Since we operate globally, it may be necessary to transfer data, including Personal Information, to countries outside of Japan, including, but not limited to the US and the EU. The data protection and other laws of these countries may not be as comprehensive as those in Japan, nor under the Personal Information Protection Commission (“PPC”) adequacy decision − in these instances we will take steps to ensure that a similar level of protection is given to Personal Information, including through adequate contractual measures. You hereby consent to the transfer of Personal Information to countries outside of Japan.


For how long we retain the information


Unless you instruct us otherwise, we may retain your personal data for a period of time consistent with the original purpose for which it was collected or for as long as necessary to fulfil our legal obligations. Information about a particular device will be retained for the duration of the session during which such information is collected.
Without derogating from the foregoing, in any other case we will retain the information for a maximum period of 485 days.


We may rectify, replenish or remove incomplete or inaccurate information, at any time and at our own discretion.


Your privacy rights


You have certain rights with respect to your personal data in accordance with your local data protection laws. Such rights vary depending on the applicable law, but may include the following rights:

  • お客様自身の個人情報を確認する権利(お客様自身に関する個人情報へのアクセス、削除、変更または更新を行う権利。例えば、お客様自身の個人情報が間違っていると思う場合、その訂正または削除を要求することができます)
  • Right to verify your Personal Information (to access, delete, change or update any Personal Information relating to you. For example, if you believe that your Personal Information is incorrect, you may ask to have it corrected or deleted);
  • 当社が保有するお客様に関する個人情報の内容を知る権利
  • Right to see what Personal Information about you we have;
  • お客様に関する個人情報の消去を当社に請求する権利(適用可能なデータ保護法令上許可される場合に限られます。)
  • The right to request us to erase personal data concerning you (only if permitted under applicable data protection law).
  • お客様に関連する個人情報を処理することから当社を制限する権利(例えば、個人データが正当な利益に基づいて収集された場合、または違法に収集された場合など)。
  • Right to restrict us from processing Personal Information pertaining to you in some cases (including, for example, if the personal data was collected on the basis on legitimate interest, or was collected illegally); and
  • 個人情報をポータブル形式でエクスポートする権利。
  • Right to export Personal Information in a portable format.

お客様が上記の権利を行使したい場合は、dataprivacy@cheq.ai までご連絡ください。

If you wish to exercise any of these rights, contact us at: dataprivacy@cheq.ai ;


When handling your request, we will ask for additional information to confirm your identity (which may include Personal Information). However, please note that if you choose not to allow us to process your Personal Information, we may be prevented from providing our Services.


In some cases, processing a request may be subject to a fee of up to 300 yen.

当社によるお客様の個人情報取り扱いに関して苦情を提起したい場合には、dataprivacy@cheq.ai にお問合せください。

If you wish to raise a complaint on how we have handled your Personal Information, please contact us directly at: dataprivacy@cheq.ai .
We will respond promptly and appropriately to complaints and consultations received from Users regarding the handling of Personal Information.


If you are not satisfied with our response or believe we are collecting or processing your Personal Information not in accordance with the laws, you can complain to the applicable data protection authority


How we protect your information

当社は、本サービスおよびお客様の情報のセキュリティの実装と維持に細心の注意を払っています。 当社は、お客様の情報の安全性を確保し、そのような情報の不正使用を防止するために、業界標準の手順とポリシーを採用しています。当社は情報を保護するために合理的な措置を講じていますが、不正アクセスまたはサービスの悪用を行った者の行為について責任を負うことができず、明示、黙示、その他を問わず、そのようなアクセスを防止することを保証しません。もしお客様のプライバシーが当社のポリシーに従って取り扱われていないと感じた場合、または、何者かが本サービスの悪用を試み、もしくは不適切な方法で行動した場合には、dataprivacy@cheq.ai にお問合せください。

We take great care in implementing and maintaining the security of the Services and your information. We employ industry standard procedures and policies to ensure the safety of your information, and prevent unauthorized use of any such information. Although we take reasonable steps to safeguard information, we cannot be responsible for the acts of those who gain unauthorized access or abuse the Services, and we make no warranty, express, implied or otherwise, that we will prevent such access. If you feel that your privacy was treated not in accordance with our policy, or if any person attempted to abuse the Services or acted in an inappropriate manner, please contact us directly at: dataprivacy@cheq.ai .



当社は、お客様が当社のWebサイトを使用している場合にのみ、当社は当社のサードパーティを使用して利用者の情報を共有し、当社の広告キャンペーンの成功を評価し、当社の利用者を再ターゲットするに際して当社を支援することができます。ネットワーク広告イニシアチブ(「NAI」)およびデジタル広告アライアンス(「DAA」)のメンバーによって運営されているものを含む、多くのサードパーティの広告ネットワークをオプトアウトすることができます。NAIおよびDAAメンバーによるこの慣行の詳細、およびNAIおよびDAAメンバーが運営するサードパーティの広告ネットワークをオプトアウトする方法など、これらの企業によって使用されるこの情報を有することに関するお客様の選択については、それぞれのWebサイトにアクセスしてください。http://optout.networkadvertising.org/#!/ および http://optout.aboutads.info/#!/

Only in the context of your use of our website, we may also use our third-parties and share with them Users’ information to assist us in evaluating the success of our advertising campaigns and help us retargeting our Users. You may opt-out of many third-party ad networks, including those operated by members of the Network Advertising Initiative (“NAI”) and the Digital Advertising Alliance (“DAA”). For more information about this practice by NAI and DAA members, and your choices regarding having this information used by these companies, including how to opt-out of third-party ad networks operated by NAI and DAA members, please visit their respective websites: http://optout.networkadvertising.org/#!/ and http://optout.aboutads.info/#!/ .


Corporate transaction


We may share information, including Personal Information, in the event of a corporate transaction (e.g., sale of a substantial part of our business, merger, consolidation or asset sale of an asset or transfer in the operation thereof) of the Company. In the event of the above, the acquiring company or transferee will assume the rights and obligations as described in this Privacy Policy.




The Services are not designated to individuals under the age of 16. If you are under 16 years old, you should not use the Services, or provide any Personal Information to us.

当社は、利用者から収集した全ての個人情報にアクセスし、当該情報を認証する権利を留保します。当社は、16歳未満の誰かが当社と情報を共有したという事実を認識した場合、かかる情報を廃棄します。未成年者が当社と情報を共有したと考えられる場合は、当社宛、dataprivacy@cheq.ai までご連絡ください。

We reserve the right to access and authenticate all personal information collected from Users. If we become aware that someone under the age of 16 has shared information with us, we will destroy such information. If you believe that a minor has shared information with us, please contact us at dataprivacy@cheq.ai.


Updates or amendments to the Privacy Policy


We may revise this Privacy Policy from time to time, in our sole discretion, and the most current version will always be posted on our website(s) (as reflected in the “Last Revised” heading). In the event of a material change to the Privacy Policy, we will notify you through the Services or via email. We encourage you to review this Privacy Policy regularly for any changes. Your continued use of the Services, following the notification of such amendments, constitutes your acknowledgement and consent of such amendments to the Privacy Policy and your agreement to be bound by the terms of such amendments.


How to contact us

本サービスまたは本プライバシーポリシーに関してご質問がある場合、またはお客様の権利を行使したい場合は、dataprivacy@cheq.ai までご連絡ください。

If you have any questions regarding the Services or about this Privacy Policy, or that you wish to exercise any of your rights, please contact us at dataprivacy@cheq.ai ;


Our data protection officer

当社は、本プライバシーポリシーに関する質問について統括する責任を負うサイバーセキュリティ担当グローバルディレクターである、データ保護責任者を任命しています。本プライバシーポリシーに関するご質問は、当社のデータ保護責任者 dataprivacy@cheq.ai までご連絡ください。

We have appointed a Data Projector Officer, who is our Global Director of Cyber Security, who is responsible for overseeing questions in relation to this Privacy Policy. If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, you may contact our data protection officer at: dataprivacy@cheq.ai .


Information about us

CHEQ AI Technologies [2018] Ltd.
〒100-6590 東京都千代田区丸の内1-5-1 新丸の内ビルディング10F

Our address, representative and the name of our Privacy Officer are as follows:
CHEQ AI Technologies [2018] Ltd.
1-5-1 Marunouchi, Shin-Marunouchi Building 10F
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-6590, Japan