What is Bot Mitigation? And how does it help businesses?


As bots and fake users become commonplace online, even the most advanced organizations can fall victim to click-farm interactions, account hijackers, brute-force cyber attacks, and more. And because the types of online threats vary so greatly, so do the different ways businesses are impacted. Bots and fake users can ultimately lead to unreliable data, missed revenue opportunities, and skewed metrics.

Fortunately, though, cybersecurity experts have uncovered ways to combat many of these issues. One such way is through a technique called Bot Mitigation, which we will define and explain throughout this article.  

11.3% of inbound traffic is fake or fraudulent. Download our Free State of Fake Traffic 2023 report to learn more.

What is the definition of Bot Mitigation? 

Bot mitigation is the use of software to identify and block potentially harmful bot traffic when it attempts to interact with a website. The software essentially intercepts the bot or bots, labels it as a threat, and somehow directs it away from potential areas of attack in order to prevent future harm. 

What problems does Bot Mitigation solve? 

Bot mitigation solves the issues bots and fake users cause when they arrive on a website or on a platform. This includes but is not limited to hacking user information, committing credit card fraud, overwhelming servers, and skewing analytics.

Bot mitigation does not solve threats that may occur outside an organization’s owned channels, such as advertising platforms, affiliate partnerships, or other outside vendors and partners. In order to address those problems, other cybersecurity solutions may be necessary. 

What type of businesses can benefit from Bot Mitigation? 

Most businesses that operate online can benefit from bot mitigation. Historically, organizations may have viewed bot mitigation as a solution that only the most seemingly at-risk websites needed. For example, banks that store financial information or government agencies that store private details in large databases.

However, that perspective has shifted as it becomes more apparent that a large amount of the internet is invalid. Therefore all organizations are impacted even if they do not have highly sensitive information that could be exposed.     

How does bot mitigation affect e-commerce stores? 

Bot mitigation significantly benefits e-commerce stores by safeguarding them against malicious activities. It ensures fair competition by preventing automated bots from manipulating pricing, depleting inventory, or engaging in fraudulent transactions. This protection also enhances the accuracy of analytics, providing businesses with reliable data for informed decision-making.    

By mitigating bots, e-commerce stores also ensure a smoother customer experience, reducing the risk of website slowdowns or crashes caused by bot traffic. Ultimately, bot mitigation is integral to maintaining the integrity of e-commerce operations, fostering trust among customers, and preserving online stores’ overall health and performance. 

What are the most common bot mitigation strategies?

The most common bot mitigation strategies include:  

  • Implementing CAPTCHAs to distinguish between humans and bots.
  • Utilizing behavior analysis to detect unusual patterns.
  • Employing IP blocking to restrict suspicious traffic.
  • Incorporating device fingerprinting for enhanced identification.

Additionally, regularly updating security protocols, employing machine learning algorithms (such as with an automated software solution) to adapt to evolving threats, and fostering collaboration through threat intelligence sharing contribute to a comprehensive bot mitigation approach.

What should companies look for in a Bot Mitigation vendor? 

When evaluating bot mitigation vendors, it is important to consider the capabilities of the solution, the level of cybersecurity expertise of the team, and how seamlessly their solution will fit within your day-to-day. 

For example, if a platform uses thousands of cybersecurity challenges to test the validity of each user, can avoid false positives, has an extensive background in the cybersecurity industry, and uses language and metrics that your team is familiar with – it may be a good fit.   

Are there other solutions to bots and fake users besides Bot Mitigation? 

Yes, there are many channels where bots and fake users could impact a business outside their website. For example, advertising channels, social media, content syndication platforms, analytics platforms, and more can all become infected with the threats of the Fake Web. For this reason, many cybersecurity vendors are addressing these needs through additional solutions. 

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