CHEQ Defend
Protect your website and APIs from fraud, abuse, and bot attacks, ensuring only genuine users engage with your business online.
Bots and fake users
threaten your business
Malicious bots and fake users put your business at risk by committing fraud, compromising security, eroding customer trust, and increasing operational costs.
Stop fraud and
abuse at scale,
in real-time
Prevent fake account creations, SMS toll
fraud, credit card stuffing fraud, and
content scraping in real-time by leveraging
sophisticated signals that detect suspicious
humans and bots.
Secure your online
environment from
bot attacks
Stop account takeovers, prevent API abuse,
block vulnerability scans, and safeguard your
site from bots injecting malware in comments
or reviews.
Boost customer trust
and minimize risk
Foster trust and confidence from customers
and internal leadership alike by delivering a
seamless user experience that embeds fraud
prevention and reduces business risk.
The world's leading companies choose CHEQ
State of
Fake Traffic 2024
Discover how bots and bad actors impact your entire
marketing funnel