CHEQ | The Leading Go-to-Market Security Platform



The Go-to-Market
Security Platform.

Go-to-Market security (GTMSec) is here, with the world's first full funnel security platform.

Trusted by over 15,000 customers worldwide.

Detect invalid activity affecting your marketing efforts and site

Expose invalid traffic, fake users and bots engaging with your assets, from paid, organic and direct sources.

Eliminate bad traffic from your pipeline and funnels

Build custom mitigation and exclusion paths to prevent invalid traffic from disrupting your marketing operation.

Get granular analytics and actionable IVT insight

Dive into hyper detailed invalid traffic data and gain real visibility into your marketing and business performance

Proactively protect your customer data

Protect customer data with proactive enforcement, block unauthorized third party data collection, and ensure privacy compliance.

“CHEQ developed advanced bot mitigation tech to reliably distinguish between human and computer-generated activity."
Andrew Frank, VP Senior Analyst, Gartner

Introducing our

Platform Solutions

CHEQ offers 4 solutions securing the
entire marketing funnel and operation

Customer Acquisition Security

Invalid traffic diverts spend away from real visitors who can actually convert to paying customers.


  • Unlock revenue opportunities
  • Clean-up your audiences
  • Unskew your optimization
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On-Site Security

Invalid traffic hurts your on-site conversion efforts, generating bad leads and hurting funnel metrics.


  • Intercept invalid site visitors
  • Prevent negative SEO
  • Prevent site tool flooding
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Marketing Intelligence Security

Invalid traffic skews your marketing data and analytics, hurting your visibility, measurement and decision making.


  • Unskew your BI systems from IVT
  • Increase funnel transparency
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Privacy Compliance Enforcement

With today's broad and complex privacy regulations simple consent management tools have become useless, leaving your business exposed to penalties and reputation damage.


  • Enforce compliance in real-time
  • Secure your legal stance with data
  • Monitor third-party technologies
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Ready to secure your Go-to-Market efforts?

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