Go-To-Market Security Platform | CHEQ
Live Webinar

Trust Issues - How Bots and Fake Users Destroy Your Data Integrity

Thurs, Sept 12, 2PM ET

Trust Issues - How Bots and Fake Users Destroy Your Data Integrity

Thurs, Sept 12, 2PM ET


Tired of wasting marketing resources on bots & bad actors?

  • Eliminate bots and invalid traffic from
your paid campaigns, audiences, and remarketing efforts
  • Stop fake form fills and protect sales and marketing efficiency
  • See the impact of fake traffic across digital initiatives
  • Safeguard your customer data, secure your martech, and enforce privacy compliance
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How CHEQ secures your funnel:

Protect your funnel quality

Eliminate fake form fills and bots that pollute your funnel, abuse promotions, and waste your sales reps’ time.

Protect your paid marketing

Block click ad fraud and ensure your marketing efforts reach real users who are interested in your products.

Protect your data Iitegrity

Uncover the impact of fake traffic across your website, get accurate marketing analytics, and strengthen optimization efforts.

Protect client data and privacy

Comply with regulations like GDPR and CCPA. Build customer trust through transparent data practices.

Customer stories

״CHEQ is a strategic AI tool for our business. I’m not bringing invalid traffic into my marketing funnels or spending dollars on fake people.״

Sandra Wendland, Global Digital Marketing Manager

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"Once we rerouted spend towards valid users, we saw lead quality rise considerably.”

Alex Schutte
Head of Digital Marketing Strategy

“We’re eliminating high volumes of fraud across search and social, and bringing in higher quality users.”

Sam Wiley
Digital Activation Manager

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