CHEQ Go-to-Market Security for eCommerce Leaders | CHEQ


CHEQ Solutions For eCommerce Leaders

Secure your eCommerce site and funnels from invalid traffic, bots and fake users

Invalid Traffic is killing
your eCommerce funnel

Invalid site visitors are flooding your eCommerce site, filling up and deserting shopping carts, scraping for content and data and committing a wide range of fraudulent schemes and activities that put you and your customer's journey at risk. eCommerce conversion rates are hurt, SEO is damaged and key site metrics are jeopardized.

Surgically remove Invalid Traffic from your eCommerce site

CHEQ allows you to uncover and intercept invalid site visitors in real-time, removing them with laser precision and custom controls. Use predefined rules to mitigate different types of invalid traffic and only block what you feel comfortable blocking.

Trusted by over 15,000 customers worldwide.

CHEQ is trusted by the world’s leading organizations to secure their Go-to-Market operations. Learn why they trust us.

Our customers


Resources for eCommerce Leaders

The Cost of Click Fraud: eCommerce will lose $3.8 Billion

3 Key Ways Invalid Traffic (IVT) Affects Marketers

How Bots Destroy these 6 Demand Gen Goals

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